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Programme of the 13th International Symposium of Byzantine Sigillography


The 13th International Symposium of Byzantine Sigillography is delighted to welcome speakers and guests from around the world to this event! On this page, you will find the preliminary programme and the abstracts of the symposium. The presented topics cover a wide range of subjects within the field of Byzantine sigillography, showing the diversity and depth of this fascinating discipline.

We hope you enjoy the presentations and find the discussions both engaging and informative!


Day 1 – Thursday, March 27


9:00     Registration

09:30     Welcome Addresses and Opening Remarks

10:00-11:00    Central Administration

10:00   Jean-Claude Cheynet (Sorbonne University): Le comte de l’Etable

10:30   Martina Filosa (University of Cologne): The Administrative Personnel of the Charitable Institutions in Byzantium in the Light of Lead Seals

11:00-11:30    Coffee break

11:30-12:30    Iconography

11:30   Şeniz Yener (Pamukkale University): The Sacred Archive of Laodikeia: Lead Seals with Unknown Iconographies from the New Testament

12:00   Pagona Papadopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki): The Old Testament in Byzantium: The Sigillographic Evidence

12:30-14:00    Lunch break

14:00-15:00    Seals in Late Byzantium

14:00   Thanasis Sotiriou (Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH): Exploring the Seals of Late Byzantine Sebastoi, 1204-1350

14:30   Nathan DC Websdale (University of Oxford): The Problem With ‘Being’ King David: Reassessing the Seals and Letters of David Grand Komnenos of Paphlagonia (1204-c.1212)

15:00-16:00    Unpublished Seals from Greece and Turkey (I)

15:00   Nikolaos Mastrochristos (Independent Researcher): Byzantine Lead Seals from Rhodes, Greece. New Data from Old and Recent Finds

15:30   Nilgün Elam (Anadolu University) and Christos Malatras (Sorbonne University): Lead Seals from the Collection of the Museum of Antiocheia of Pisidia (Yalvaç)

16:00-16:30    Coffee break

16:30-18:00    Thematic Officials in Asia Minor: New Lead IDs and Digital CVs (TAKTIKON Online)

16:30   Olga Karagiorgou (Academy of Athens): Byzantine Thematic Officials in the WWW: The TAKTIKON online

17:00   Pantelis Charalampakis (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Olga Karagiorgou (Academy of Athens), and Christos Malatras (Sorbonne University): Addenda and Corrigenda in the TAKTIKON (2021)

17:30   Nilgün Elam (Anadolu University) and Olga Karagiorgou (Academy of Athens): New Molybdoboulla from Turkish Museums Issued by Thematic Officials in Asia Minor                    

19:00   Social dinner for the speakers


Day 2 – Friday, March 28


9:30-11:00      The Praetorian Prefecture of Africa and Italy at the Twilight of the Ancient World: Some Insights from Sigillography

9:30     Salvatore Cosentino (University of Bologna): Akataphronios and the Praetorian Prefecture of Italy from the Sixth to the Seventh Century

10:00   Margherita Elena Pomero (University of Bologna): From Prefect to Exarch of Italy: The Seals of Theodore Calliopa

10:30   Tommaso Giuliodoro (Durham University): The Praetorian Prefecture of North Africa in the Mid-7th Century: The Case of Marinus, praefectus et commerciarius

11:00-11:30    Coffee break

11:30-13:00    Sealing in a Broader Context

11:30   Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Austrian Academy of Sciences): Χρυσὸς κοσμεῖ δάκτυλον... Neue Aspekte zu Inhalt und Funktion vier spätbyzantinischer Goldringe

12:00   Max Ritter (University of Silesia): The Seal of Patronage: Monograms in the Architectural Sculpture of Sixth- to Tenth-Century Constantinople

12:30   Lucia Maria Orlandi (École française de Rome): Signacula-Markers: The “Poor Relation” of Seals?

13:00-14:30    Lunch break

14:30-16:30    Connecting Peripheries

14:30   Eugen Paraschiv-Grigore and Ioana Paraschiv-Grigore (The National History Museum of Romania): Commercial Links between the Western Black Sea and Western Asia Minor 4th - 6th Centuries AD

15:00   Andreas Gkoutzioukostas, Dimitris Drakoulis, Dimitris Sidiropoulos, Konstantinos Diados (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Austrian Academy of Sciences): The Distribution of Seals in Early Byzantine Thrace (6th-8th c.): An Interdisciplinary Approach

15:30   Marco Muresu (University of Cagliari): Framing Byzantine Culture in Medieval Sardinia Between Continuity and Storytelling. The Seals of the ‘Carte Volgari’

16:00   Andreas Gkoutzioukostas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Austrian Academy of Sciences): Remarks on Seals Found Along the Danube (7th-9th c.)

16:30-17:00    Coffee break

17:00-18:00    Byzantine Sigillography and Digital Humanities

17:00   Pantelis Charalampakis, Nikolay Dimitrov, Metodi Zlatkov, Georgi Sengalevich (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), and Zhenya Zhekova (Regional Historical Museum Shumen): Towards a Digital Sigillographic Corpus of Bulgaria

17:30   Jan Bigalke, Jonathan Blumtritt, Sviatoslav Drach, Claes Neuefeind, and Marcel Schaeben (University of Cologne): DigiByzSeal: Results and Future Perspectives

18:00   DigiByzSeal portal launch with wine reception


Day 3 – Saturday, March 29


9:30-10:30      Linguistic Features on Lead Seals

9:30     Maria Campagnolo-Pothitou (Museum of Art and History, Geneva): À qui la faute ? L’usage de l’accusatif dans les légendes des sceaux byzantins

10:00   Maria Teresa Catalano (University of Cologne): The Usage of Participles on Byzantine Lead Seals

10:30-11:00    Coffee break

11:00-12:30    Unpublished Seals from Greece and Turkey (II)

11:00   Christos Stavrakos (University of Ioannina): The Byzantine Lead Seals from the Acropolis of Athens

11:30   Eugenia Gerousi-Bendermacher (Hellenic Ministry of Culture): The Lead Seals of the Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum in Athens

12:00   Ioanna Koukouni (Independent Researcher): Two New Byzantine Lead Bullae from the Island of Chios

12:30   Closing remarks

13:00-14:00    Lunch

14:00-18:00    Visit of the churches of Saint Severin and Saint Heribert and their Byzantine textiles
